Carpet Cleaning

Kololi Car Wash is proud to give you, our customers, a carpet cleaning service in The Gambia that can’t be surpassed. Our high temperature power wash is the best way to get something clean and allows a better cleaning and sanitizes without the use of chemicals.

Although we do use a pre-treatment that is sprayed down, the hot power wash along with our high efficiency vacuum system assures that your carpeting is left clean, fresh smelling and safe for kids.

Carpet Cleaning - Drying Times

Normal dry times are from 30 minutes to 3 hours. Variances in dry times can be due to weather (humidity), carpet thickness or how much steam was used to clean heavily soiled areas.

 Extended dry times often result when too much water is used or dirty water is not fully extracted which can lead to mold and rotting.

Everything you need to get your carpeting clean is included in the price; there are not any hidden fees.

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